Warning: session_start(): Session ID is too long or contains illegal characters. Only the A-Z, a-z, 0-9, "-", and "," characters are allowed in /var/www/customers/ust/www.ust-gmbh.com/cms/framework/ustlib/clsSession.inc.php on line 76
Warning: session_start(): Failed to read session data: files (path: /tmp) in /var/www/customers/ust/www.ust-gmbh.com/cms/framework/ustlib/clsSession.inc.php on line 76 AutomatePagination Release-Notes for EasyCatalog Version 1.50 | Release Notes | Workflow Automation for EasyCatalog
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AutomatePagination Release-Notes for EasyCatalog Version 1.50
When entering a master file name in profile-edit dialog, you are given the opportunity to use placeholders such as @SPLITVALUE@ from this version onwards.